I promised my daughter we would splurge on a hotel for two nights as we pass through Paris. She cannot decide between the Plaza Athenee or the Ritz. Tough choice. However I have heard that a both hotels that if you are not a weathy Saudi that the staff is not very helpful. Also does anyone know what class of room you need to get a view of the Eiffel Tower at Plaza Athenee. Any insights would be great.
I don%26#39;t know about those two, but how about the Georges V? I believe (may be wrong) that there are ET views from there as well...
And the staff is incredibly nice.
The Ritz is all old lady chintz, while the PA is modern chic.
For the view I%26#39;d go for the Meurice, also my preference in parisian palaces!
That doesn%26#39;t help your choice he? ;-) between the two you mentionned I%26#39;d try the Plaza, the one thing I like in the Ritz though is the bar. Hmmm Tough choice indeed!
I haven%26#39;t stayed at either hotel, but I have had drinks at each. The Ritz was perfectly nice, but the bartender at the Plaza Athenee was one of the most endearing people I%26#39;ve met in Paris. He didn%26#39;t know what the drink I ordered was -- a Rob Roy -- so in my broken French and his broken English, I coached him on how to make the drink. To thanks me for his %26quot;lesson,%26quot; he gave us free drinks. With the presumption that he is indicative of the staff at the Plaza Athenee, I would definitely stay there.
Thanks for all the help. But now I am thinking about staying at L%26#39;Hotel, which looks totally chic for alot less money for a suite. All the reviews have been very positive. Any insights into this hotel would be great.
I%26#39;ve never been, but my friend lives next door and it is a nice, quiet street, very near the bustling rue de Seine. The bar is one of the in spots of the local stars for the moment.
Those social dramas always put me on tears. ;-)
Think of the Hotel de Crillon, too, on Place de la Concorde - provided the fact that the rooms with a view over Concorde, Elysée, Seine Tour Eiffel etc etc are of course the most expensives
It seems to me that a bartender in an establishment like the Plaza Athenée should speak more than broken English, and know what a Rob Roy is. A hotel in this (price) class should have trained staff - not only courteous and friendly but also knowledgeable.
I would go for the Meurice;it is recently renovated, has spacious rooms with views over Tuilieries and the Eiffel Tower in distance. At the Crillon only the royal suites have a view over place Concorde as the hotel occupies only the left edge of the magnificient building. Other rooms are in a newer edifice, with views over the courtyard or the pedestrian rue Boissy D%26#39;Anglas.
This erudite comment reves perhaps more than at first reading suggests all the staff i hav eevern known at recherche places are as he states.
Chic is certainly not a word I would always associate with the Plaza Athenee!Very nice if you like that sort of thing.
The Crillon is becoming a corporate crash pad. As for wealth one gets this everywhere. Was at Negresco when a russian soundingaman had his minder open samm crocodile brief case full of 500 euros notes for tips,
For me either the Bristol or the Meurice.
Good luck Gerlis
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