Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Driving into Paris??

We are taking a driving trip from Zurich to Paris this summer with stopovers in Zermatt (Matterhorn) and Chamonix (Mt. Blanc). We%26#39;re returning the rental car when we arrive in Paris and are unsure of whether to drive into Paris city center directly (our hotel is not far from Gare Nord where we could drop off the car) or drop off at Orly Airport and take a van service direct to the hotel.

Any thoughts?


Driving in Paris is usually not a real issue from the moment you leave behind all you know about driving! :)

If you only have to drive in to drop off the car at gare du nord I would do it. Getting to Gare du nord from the péripherique is pretty simple.

For explanation, the peripherique is the freeway that borders Paris, you have several exits which are all called gates (porte). It is a circle so whatever direction you take, it will always lead you to the right point, in more or less time of course. Arriving from Switzerland/chamonix I guess you%26#39;ll take the A6 up to Paris and in this case you have to travel to the opposite point of the peripherique... Let%26#39;s take the preipherique est (eastbound) drive all the way until you see a sign %26quot;porte de clignancourt%26quot; and get off there. Turn left after the traffic light (that means you have to pass under the highway) and then it is mostly straight away, well you have to follow the main road and you%26#39;ll soon see signs for %26quot;gare du nord%26quot;. that%26#39;s it!

A good itinary planer is www.mappy.com btw but I reckon it%26#39;ll tell you the same I did.


Another vote for driving.

Just keep in mind, that as Kasthor mentioned, you will be much more concerned with following the signs to Gare du Nord than looking for street names and compass points.

A Mappy or Via Michelin map is necessary.


Also, Gare du Nord is not just a %26quot;little building%26quot; that%26#39;s easy to spot. It%26#39;s huge and there are many car drop-offs around the area in addition to the %26quot;official%26quot; Gare du Nord drop-off.

Obviously, I%26#39;ve attempted this before, and I think too much time is wasted driving around and around looking for this precise obscure entrance. Take the easy way out...ride the train...ESPECIALLY in Switzerland where trains are perfect!

One more thing, did you know that you can%26#39;t drive to Zermatt??? You%26#39;ll have to pay to park that rental car and then guess what...%26quot;Buy a TRAIN ticket%26quot; to get to Zermatt!


Kasthor, phread and tmynatt...

Thank you for your replies. I%26#39;ll talk it over with the other drivers in my party and make a decision. Sounds like going to Gare du Nord is not too bad of an option.

Tmynatt...thanks for suggesting the train. We are already familiar with Swiss rail having used it on our last visit. We know we can%26#39;t drive to Zermatt...we%26#39;ve booked hotel accomodations in Tasch, and will take a day trip to Zermatt by train.

Thanks again....

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