Monday, April 16, 2012

Musee des Arts Forains, Bercy

Several of you have mentioned the Musee des Arts Forains, Bercy but has anyone actually visited it? We want to visit the carrousel and fairground arts portion, which is, I believe, open only on Saturday and Sunday. But some of the websites say one must have a reservation to visit. Is this correct? Or is it open to the public and one can just pay the entrance fee and go in?


As far as I can tell it is not open to the public. There is a visit once a month that is guided and you have to reserve. You can e-mail here for more info:


The Musée des Arts Forain has always had a curious relationship with the public. Given their odd days and hours, one could quite easily get the impression that they%26#39;d just as soon the public didn%26#39;t come to visit...or bother them at all. Years ago, when this collection was located out in the 15eme on rue de l%26#39;Eglise, their listed days and openning hours were more of a %26#39;..suggestion..%26#39; than fact.

According to my information. they are still only open to the general public on Saturday %26amp; Sunday afternoons, from 14:00 to 19:00 (2-4 PM). To save yourself some aggravation (I treid five separate times to get in when they were out in the 15eme before I was successful) try e-mailing them for specific days and times.

The collection really is wonderful ..whimsical...and well worth the trouble and effort....but they won%26#39;t let you actually play with most of their great toys.

MUSÉE des ARTS FORAINS—COLLECTION JEAN-PAUL FAVAND—Les Pavillions de Bercy, 53, avenue des Terroirs de France, 75012, Metro: Cour Saint-Émillion %26amp; Bercy----Open: SAT %26amp; SUN— 2:00-7;00 PM Only


I went there last year during the journées du patrimoine, this way you don%26#39;t have trouble getting in. It was fabulous, i had a great time on the merry-go round attractions. They had some people explaining you the small games and doing demonstrations so i could play with quite a lot of things actually. I don%26#39;t know if it was special for these journées du patrimoine.


We attempted to go in last July but it was not opened to the public (a Saturday). A private party, maybe a wedding, looked to be on the menu for the evening. However the person at the entrance called for someone to speak to us in English. That gentlemen said he would be happy to show us around.........but not until the next September! He was very nice, gave us his card and fone number so we could call him the next September. Even our 10 year olds pleading eyes did not move him for a quick peek, though.

I think entrance is only by private tours which you have to sign up for in advance but maybe KDKsail knows better.


As indicated, this is one of those places that really seems to prefer that the public not notice....or come anywhere near. At least out in the new Bercy location, it%26#39;s a bit easier to get to and find (finding it when it was out in the 15eme was a bit like %26#39;mice-in-a-maze%26#39;)---though not much easier to gain actual access to. The best advice is to jot down the details--including the telephone number--in your %26#39;..Paris Travel Notes..%26#39; book (you have begun one, right??..and you will remember to pack it when you leave for Paris??) and telephone them to find out if they%26#39;ll be open to the public that particular day. In the meantime, e-mail them and try to get what passes for their schedule at the moment.


You guys are GREAT! Thanks for the updates. Yes, I have a Paris %26quot;must%26quot; notebook and it has lots of places to visit/see but this one has just intriqued me. Their website is quite wonderful and enticing. I%26#39;ll try calling them and maybe will get lucky. This trip, we will be in Paris mid-March. Again, thanks!

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