Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Versailles Renovations

Anyone know that current status or projected finish time of the renovations taking place at Versailles?


May %26#39;07 projected as inauguration of the restored Hall of Mirrors,you can get more detailed info at



our tour guide in May %26#39;04 told us that the rennovations never really stop, but rather move from one section to the other. because there are so many thousands of visitors every year, they have to struggle to keep up. So while the Hall of Mirrors - the highlight for most people - may be open, be prepared for other areas to be closed off or otherwise unavailable.


Also only about 5% of the chateau is open to the public, that is enough because the place really is gigantic.

There was a TV prog on here in France a month or so ago in which some very rich Americans(friends of Versailles i think) had lunches, auctions etc. They raised 7million US dollars and renovated 1 fountain. This year they are trying to raise money to renovate 1 room in the petite trianon, cost 4 million US dollars.

An amazing place.


we are going in March. does this mean that we will not be able to see the Hall of Mirrors at all? What are some other highlights that we must see?


The private apartments, the chapel(more like a cathedral), the Trianons, the gardens and be sure that your visit coincides with the turning on of the fountains.


Was just there a few days ago. Half the Hall of mirrors is visable and impressive. For an idea of how hard a beating that place takes, look at the floors when you enter the wood floored rooms and see the huuuuge difference in floor color where people walk, as opposed to the roped off areas.


to let people have a wee look at what the hall of mirrors is like, they have half of it being renovated at a time. its going to be gorgeous when its finished in 07 and well worth the wait. there is however a lot of scaffolding on the outside of the palace (the part that looks down the canal) but think of how old the place is, it cant stand on its own all by itself now! it needs to be looked after.

definately agree with roboburger about the floors...theres a definate difference!


The restored half of the hall of mirrors, un covered last december, can viewed here www.liberation.fr/obj/538/IMAGE_T5_53776.jpg (and all the chandeliers, consoles, busts, urns and statues haven%26#39;t been put back in place yet!).

Completion of work in the hall is expected for may 2007, and is financed by a corporate donator (12 million Euros).

This is only a part of a multi-phase renovation/remodelling programme concerning the chateau, gardens and side buildings of Versailles, which is due to be completed around 2020, the aim of which is in particular to improve visitor viewing conditions, enlarge facilities and open new parts of the building to visits.

Consequently, there there will always be some works underway in some part of the estate. At present, part of the garden facade is under scafoldings, as the previous poster noted, but this not too much of a problem given the bigness of the place.

In 2007 prior reservation will be necessary to visit the chateau.


For an idea of the restoration work underway on the chateau exterior, you can check out http://720plan.ovh.net/~jardinsd/Accueil/pages/Histcad-T1.htm, (it is about one fith of the facade, picture probably taken last summer,) also a good site, in French, on the gardens of Versailles and current events.


Thanks everyone. I appreciate the sites given to check out the progress.

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