Monday, April 16, 2012

Attn: Local Paris Experts

Hi, I am leaving for Paris in little under a month and a half and am staying at the Courtyard in Neuilly Sur Seine. It is located at 58th Blvd. Victor Hugo, and I need help on what metro station is the closest. Also, a general distance of how far the metro is would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


For any locations in Paris you can go to and type in what you are looking for. Your will be a couple of blocks from the Pont Levallois-Becon Metro.


The nearest Metro station to the HÔTEL COURTYARD MARRIOTT PARIS NEUILLY (4-star) Paris Neuilly, 58 Blvd Victor Hugo, Neuilly sur Seine, 92200--

will be ANATOLE-FRANCE, on the #3 Metro ligne...and...though a couple of blocks farther (in the other direction) will be the LES SABLONS station for the #1 Metro ligne.

There%26#39;s also the #93 bus which runs through the neignborhood, and runs through the Right Bank and eventually across the Seine to the Left Bank, past the Musée d%26#39;Orsay, terminating at Invalides


Merci beaucoup.

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