Saturday, April 21, 2012

"The Bachelor"! Anybody watching?

%26quot;The Bachelor%26quot; first episode is tonight. I am NOT a fan of the show, but I will not miss it just to see Paris! The producers sure did the right thing by filming it in there!

I just thought it would be fun to start a discussion about the show. I would love to see what everyone thinks and share some comments.

Anybody else watching??


I%26#39;m so afraid to see how this group of Americans behaved in Paris. I%26#39;m really afraid! They don%26#39;t tend to be the best representation, you know?



I%26#39;ll be watching too, for the same reasons!


Yes, I will watch. I am so over the show itself, but if they show enough Paris sites, I keep tuning in.

My first and only visit to Paris was in September 2001 (yes, right after....) and I think about going back constantly.


I think I%26#39;ve had my calendar marked for 2 months now. I%26#39;m excited to see the sights we%26#39;ll be seeing and maybe I can get an idea of a restaurant or someplace we might want to visit.


I%26#39;ll be watching as well...hoping to spot a few of the sites on my itinerary.


Pity us here downunder where we are still on Bachelor V (Trish evicted last week and previews show her stalking Jesse this week).


I have a season pass on TiVo for this installment. We are traveling to Paris in April and I am hoping to get good ideas by watching.

As for the girls behavior, I am not expecting much. One of my good friends works for the show and he said they keep them drunk all the time.


I think the show is ridiculous however will be watching also to see the Parisian scenes.


I too will watch, and only for Paris, the show itself is silly. It should be great!


PS just for %26quot;good t.v.%26quot; they are bound to have at least one really %26quot; ugly American %26quot; type girl on the show, hopefully that will be balanced out by a couple of really nice girls who are not culturally stunted.

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