Monday, April 16, 2012

food markets

my boyfriend and i have rented an apartment near the luxembourg gardens this month. having a kitchen, we hope to do just a bit of cooking for fun. any suggestions as to where we should go to find the freshest and have quite a parisian experience also? after we eat our nice dinner at home, where would be fun for a fun couple in their 30%26#39;s to enjoy a drink?


There is a daily street market up on and about rue de Buci in the 6eme-Saint Germain des Prés...another over on rue Mouffetard and down around Place Monge in the 5eme-Latin Quarter....another over on rue Cler in the 7eme-Invalides/Ecole Militaire. There%26#39;s the Le Epicure store down at Le Bon Marche and this listing may help--


There%26#39;s also a CHAMPION Supermarché around the corder from the rue de Buci market with two entrances along rue de Seine. Monoprix stores are ubiquetious.


There is a covered market not too far from the gardens, called the Marché St Germain and a roving market on the boul Raspail (between Cherche Midi and Rennes) that is on Tues. and Fri. mornings, with an organic market (the freshest, but also très cher) at the same location on Sun.

For a drink, there is the wine bar, Au Sauvignon on the rue de Sevres at St Peres and Le Midi Vin on Cherche Midi. The bars at the Lutecia, Pont Royal and Montalembert hotels and countless other great places, all quite near your apart. that I am probably forgetting at this moment. Oh yes, the Palette Cafe, but I%26#39;m not sure of the name of the that street.


Hello incroyable,

You have good information for where to buy food for eating at home. You also might find some good frozen fish (with French sauces)or meats in the regular little markets in many areas........They also sell spit cooked chicken which is great.......

One word of warning though.....Check out how much room you have in your kitchen refrig and freezer.......I always go overboard when I go to the markets and bring home enough for an army to eat for a week!........They sell most items by the kilo..........more than two pounds. You can get half a kilo...%26quot;midi%26quot; or maybe even less, but you have to be able to tell the vendor, otherwise you will get a huge amount....

It is fun to eat home and have a table set with great French food.... a bottle of wine ... great French desert.....All for a fraction of what it would cost in a restaurant (or even in the U.S) and just as good.

Have fun.


thank you so much. you%26#39;ve all been so helpful.


They sell by the kilo, but it is easy to ask for small qtys.

For most fruits and vegies you can simply ask for the number of items desired (ie, my market order this morning was 4 apples, 2 pears, a bag of spinach and 1 kilo of clementines) this is expecially helpful for the French challenged, as it is rather easy to sign the number and then point to the item desired.

For other products, you can order by the 100gr. I usually get 125gr of butter for the week, buy semoule and muesli in 250gr pkgs, etc....


In our 5 visits we have enjoyed the open air

Markets on rue Cler and rue Moufettard.


Marché Monge on Place Monge is really a great market. there%26#39;s also the really huge market at Bastille on Sunday mornings (blvd. Richard Lenoir) and I%26#39;m surprised no one%26#39;s mentioned rue Montorgueil in the 2nd. i think it%26#39;s the best street market in the city with Mouffetard running a close second. The Palais du Fruits in the middle of rue Montorgueil has the most beautiful produce you%26#39;ve ever seen.



Can you tell me what agency or owner you used? I am also looking for an apartment in that area for later in the Spring.

I%26#39;d love to know what you found.


I love the rue Mouffetard street market although it%26#39;s been said that many tourists frequent it. But on my visits I notice quite a few locals shopping for provisions there. As to the Champion supermarche, yes, that one was great when I stayed in St. Germain. I got some nice, inexpensive wine there...

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