Monday, April 16, 2012

If we could take only one day-trip what should it be?

We will be in Paris in May for 9 days. Our son will be almost 5. If we could take only one day-trip outside of Paris, what would you suggest?!


My first choice would be Chartres. The Cathedral is beautiful and inspiring and the town is very charming.


5 year old huh? There is always Disneyland Paris (but then you live very close to the original -- I live down the road in San Diego)) ----- For grandeous and historic oppulance ---- Versaille (Marie Antoinette and Louis last castle (check thru the web on the status of any ?? restoration work that may close down too much of the beautiful Chateau ---- Chateau Fountainbleu or Chateau Chambord (both are fantastic castles and the closest to the city - but as with the others, certainly not within walking distance. Sometimes crowds can dim the experience, so getting some input from people in the know, helps. While you are there for 9 days -- I can recommend some very pleasant (and generally unknown to tourist) sights (besides the better known sights in town) -- on the west and east sides of town, try the Bois du Bologne or Bois du Vincennes (both are mostly semi-natural pleasant and lovely forested parks with lakes and other attributes, a little like Golden Gate Park in S.F.) -- or -- in town there is: Jardins du Luxemborg (beautiful place w/ statues and fountains and is child oriented w/ Poney rides and the like) -- Jardins du Tulleries by the Louvre (also child friendly, but not as much as Lux.) -- and -- Buttes du Chaumont (haven%26#39;t been there but sounds nice from descriptions). Anyway, have a nice time and use money belts so as not to let anyone ruin your time in the most beautiful of all cities (and no, the French aren%26#39;t rude, especially if you use manners yourself - but good luck with the food and coffee) -- tip: stick with the boulangeries. Happy Trails


Giverney. You can take the train (alwaus fun for kids) and then stop in the town of Vernon to visit a nice Normand town. After lunch you could rent bikes or take a taxi or a bus to visit Monet%26#39;s home. This is a nice blend of culture for you and outdoor time for the child.


It would depend on the interests, attention span and stamina of the child. But Monet%26#39;s Home %26amp; Gardens might be in interesting %26#39;..adventure..%26#39; for a child...and a pleasant day for the parents. As has been mentioned, getting out to Giverny from Paris is relatively easy, via SNCF train from Gare Saint Lazare to VERNON station and then #18 regional bus from just outside the station doors to the front gates of Monet%26#39;s Home %26amp; Gardens (take the 08:16 AM train from Paris, which will get you to Giverny just before the gates open at 09:30--CLOSED MONDAYs--to avoid the worst of the crowds. If the morning is going well you could do as has been suggested and explore VERNON by rental bicycle or on could take a taxi to Pacy sur Eure for the antique %26#39;..tourist train..%26#39; excursion through the local countryside--



And if the morning isn%26#39;t going well, you can take the #18 bus back to the VERNON station in time to catch the 12:54 PM train and be back in Paris before 2 PM. The daytrip provides you with a variety of experiences and a number of %26#39;bail out%26#39; without too much inconvenience, if necessary.


1. Chartres

2. Normandy

3. Mont St Michel


Versailes. There is losts of gardens for your son to run round it, horse drawn carriage rides. Even a little train around the estate. For yourselves a day that you would never forget. I have been round most of the big stately homes, Chambord included and nothing has ever compated to Versailes. I took my husband there last May it was the first time he had ever been and he fell in love with it as well.

Where ever you go have a fabulous trip. Paris is a truly beautiful city.


With a child; no doubt Versailles, it has a big park, the hamlet with many fishes to fedd near the little bridge, as other post has mentionned, a little train ride, horse carriages etc...For a child i can only imagine Chartres quite boring, and in may the wether should be nice so you will want to be outside. No doubt Chartres is nice but my very first choice is Versailles, by far.


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;For a child i can only imagine Chartres quite boring,%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

Perhaps more important than this, there is NO public transportation within the old quarter of the city (other than a little %26#39;tourist train%26#39;)---behind and below the cathedral. The hill is VERY steep, with the pedestrian streets mostly %26#39;switchbacks%26#39; traversing it to ease the grade. This might not be that big a deal going down....but it could well be if %26#39;little legs%26#39; tire and %26#39;big legs%26#39; have to carry a child back up...even pushing a stroller will be a major pain in the.....


Thanks- Versailles has many recommendations, so we will add that to the list.

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