Saturday, March 24, 2012

APT in 4eme

I recently received a contract for what seems to be a wonderful apt at 40 BIS, RUE DE RIVOLI... it seems to be a block or two after hotel de ville. For any of you lucky parisians to be living dans le marais or pass by here often, does the building look pleasant? Is it an apt. building, or a commercial building? Even worse, maybe a cheap hotel?? I am paying a good amount for this rental, and it seems fantastic inside... and I know the location quite well, but I need to know if the building is a true apartment bulding.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Je vous remercie, a tres bientot..



Check your address at the pages jaunes website. This is a cool site as you can peruse the street. The seems a bit commercialized but looks great to me. It is a very nice location in my opinion.


This will be a convenient location. But keep in mind that rue de Rivoli is one of the most heavily trafficked streets in Paris (ergo, one of the busiest in the world). It is a major thoroughfare and is busy at all times of the day and NIGHT! Not to be all gloom and doom, but depending upon where the windows face and whether you will need to sleep with the windows open, you may have a difficult time sleeping.



Yes Rue de Rivoli is very central but I personaly prefer something in a less touristy section. Last month I rented a fabulous appartement very well decorated and totally equiped. It is in a very interesting sector full of small commerces and boutiques. It feel like a French village and yet with the métro I was on Rue de Rivoli in a few minutes. Have a look at:


I don%26#39;t know the building, but I had a friend who recently rented an apart. nearby, and while the facade was on the rue de Rivoli, there was a courtyard, which meant she was well off the busy street and had a decent garden view.

Many bldg. in central Paris are commercial/residential mixed with professional offices mixed among private residences.


I know this building as I live a block away on rue du Roi de Sicile.

40 bis rue de Rivoli is almost across place Baudoyer (where the 4th district city hall is located) and you have rue du Bourg Tibourg (with a charming small square) down your building. A WONDERFUL LOCATION IF YOU ASK ME. Rue de Rivoli is very noisy of course though and I am glad I live away from it.

There are two shops on the street level of that building; if I am correct one is clothing and the other sells eyewear.

The entire sidewalk is full of stores and Saturdays are very ugly in the entire area with truckloads of shoppers and very heavy car traffic (with silly French drivers behind the wheel, who keep honking like they are nuts!).

Other than that, the area is full of nice restaurants, cafes, bakeries, etc. And being on line 1 is a great convenience as it connects to pretty much everywhere.

If you end up staying in the area, I recommend restaurant Le Bourguignon du Marais on rue Francois Miron and Heurtier bakery on rue du Bourg Tibourg (and of course Mariage Frères tea shop on that same street).


To answer you question: the buidling by the way is a normal apartment building. Typically Haussmann construction.



%26quot;My country is America, but my hometown is Paris%26quot;.

-Gertrude Stein


oh, and dont worry Truffaut, Ill fall right asleep after hanging out in the Marais all early morning.

Any new cafes or clubs open recently?

Open Cafe and Le Carre were busy spots, along with RAIID (the %26quot;pre-clubbing club%26quot;)... but it would be nice to get the heads up on whats new and trendy, so to speak.



Open Cafe, RAIDD, and Cox are still the hotspots for happy hour and pre-club. Unfortunately, the newest hot spot is Starbucks where Maison Rouge used to be.


The new Starbuck on rue des Archives! Quel horreur, mon cher Truffaut. Thank God that I%26#39;ve decided, years agos, that the new and trendy spots will always be where I am!

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