I believe this question has been posted before but I can%26#39;t find the string of posts. If anyone can help it would be appreciated.
What are the best options for getting from the Nice Aiport to Hotel Suisse. We will be ariving on a Monday morning...will bus traffic be heavier b/c of it being a workday? Are buses difficult to manage b/c of luggage?
YYMCA mentions Bus 98 but this takes you to the Nice city center...will this be close enough to where we can walk the rest of the way? Is this the correct bus? What stop would I want to get off at.
What are my other options? taxi? A shuttle service? What are the price differences?
Many thanks for any suggestions provided.
Bus 98 is the correct bus. Above is the link to the bus schedule for bus 98(To City Centre). You want to take it to Gare Routiere which is the last stop. It is about 10 minute walk to Hotel Suisse. The bus is not too difficult to manage with luggage. It depends how much luggage you have and the weight. I used to walk with luggage but it can be a real pain particularly after a long trip etc. A cab is going to cost you around 30 Euros to the Hotel Suisse but would be convenient.
http://www.nice.aeroport.fr Here is the airport site where you can most likely find information for shuttles. I am not familiar with the Nice shuttles.
Yes I know bus 98 brings you in town but not that far from the Suisse, unless you have heavy bags.
Cab is around 25 euro plus tip.
Shuttes at ATS are 24 euros for a private transfer (so it does not matter if you are 1 or 2 or 3...)
here is ats shuttles website
Hi, We%26#39;ll be flying into Nice airport, picking up a rental car and going to Cannes. Is it fairly easy to get out to the highway and find our way to Cannes? How long can we estimate the journey to Cannes to take? Merci!
Follow the signs for the A8 when you get out of the airport. You can%26#39;t miss it and it will be clearly written Direction Toulon-Cannes. Depending on your speed I would say you%26#39;ll be in Cannes within 30 minutes.
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