Thursday, April 19, 2012

Paris in March

We are going to Paris for a week in March 06. First time to France. Looking for suggestions of MUST do, HAVE to, SHOULD do sites, restaruuants, sites, and/or events.

Looking for advice from experiened travelers and other %26quot;one-timers.%26quot;



Paris is a city filled to overflowing--enough for several major cities--with great treasures and small pleasures. At this stage of your planning, you really need to go out and pick up a good travel guide for Paris and go through it with your OWN interests, preferences and tastes in mind. You can augment this with a bit of internet research (this is a world where even generations unborn already have their own internet domains reserved to record their eventual lives) to gain more specific details on those places and things that you want more specific details on. Then come up with your own %26#39;laundry list%26#39; of MUSTs, HAVEs and SHOULDs.

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