Hello all,
Where is the best area to stay in Paris for a women alone in paris (weekend)?
Whar are the Januar sales like?
Sales start next Wed., 11th. Like the UK there are bargains to be had. After a certain period there is a further mark down, %26quot;deuxième démarque%26quot;.
Generally Paris is safer than many cities - to risk annoying people (like myself) who live outside, I%26#39;d try and stay inside the circle created by metro lines 6 %26amp; 2 on the map and avoid areas too close to the Gares %26#39;du nord%26#39; and %26#39;est%26#39;.
I%26#39;d also suggest having a quick search of the forum to see what others have replied to similar question in the past.
I%26#39;d try and stay inside the circle created by metro lines 6 %26amp; 2 on the map and avoid areas too close to the Gares %26#39;du nord%26#39; and %26#39;est%26#39;.
Why ???
I WALK to gare du Nord and gare de l%26#39;Est and Boulevard Magenta. Those are very lively places in Paris with a mix of population that can look surprising but is basically friendly.
I particularly like to look at all the wedding stores on Blvd Magenta.
I never get to take metros line 2 or 6 as they do not come to my neighborhood. 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 are ok to me.
Stay in the 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th. I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll be perfectly fine everywhere there...
%26gt;%26gt; Why ???
sigh - I admitted that my statement might annoy people but since you ask I WILL justify myself but we ae NOT going to turn this into another %26quot;don%26#39;t generalise%26quot; / %26quot;my part of Paris is better than your part of Paris%26quot; thread ok ? - deep sigh, why am I doing this ? please aphotographerinparis - note that I live in the 20th (and have defended the more ethincally diverse areas of the city in this forum time and time again). To add to my credentials I went up and down Bld Magenta trying on wedding dresses about this time last year, although I finally bought elsewhere my veil did come from Tatti Mariages and only last night I walked from Stalingrad to Jourdain.
Lets%26#39; remind ourselves, the question was %26quot;Where is the best area to stay in Paris for a WOMAN ALONE in PARIS(weekend)?%26quot;
My reply took into consideration nothing more than these facts
- it sounds as if this is comingtolondon%26#39;s first trp to Paris ...
- the circle of lines 2 %26amp; 6 is an easy demarkation for those unfamiliar with the city%26#39;s layout;
- most of the places people want to see during a short stay, are within this circle
- Fact not prejudice, many women can feel intimidated by / uncomfortable with the stares (and sometimes comments) they may attract from men of non european ethnicities.
- areas around large stations usually attract some dodgy looking characters later in the evening which (justified or un-justified) may make a woman on her own feel less happy getting to and from her hotel. I singled out the Gares du nord and est simply because I consider them to be rougher than the areas around the Gare du Lyon and Gare Montparnasse, tho%26#39; I admit, I should perhaps have included St. Lazare to my list.
I did not make any judgement on the relative merits of any metro lines.
thank you cee jay.
just a few more details about my trip:
It is not my first time to paris, however I have never stayed in a hotel before.
Therefore i do not know where would be best to stay for a solo traveller (female).
from other posts I understand that the latin quarter could be a good place.
I also do not intend to visit all the tourist sights apart from the opera and forum les halles.
I would like a hotel close to the metro.
what is your budget?
I can recommend hotels but some are 1 star 15 pound per night or 5 star 400 pond per night.
My pleasure :-)
I can%26#39;t really recommend hotels either but rest assured it%26#39;s hard to be %26#39;far%26#39; from a metro station. If you want to see an objective view of the transport options from a specific hotel go to www.ratp.com stay on the French version and type the details (hotel address or metro station) into the pale pink box on the front page and click %26quot;plan du quartier%26quot;. A map showing will open in another window.
NB You may need to use the arrows and house numbers marked on the map to pinpoint your hotel
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